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Giving Societies

A fall day outside of North Cottage at Mercersburg Academy.

Recognizing our philanthropic leaders.

Mercersburg Academy’s most committed donors raise our community’s sights and empower us to be a leader among independent schools. By joining one of the groups below, you help to create a shared vision for ongoing excellence and for carrying forward Mercersburg’s mission, traditions, and values—and you allow us to recognize and honor your important partnership with the school.

Read below to learn about Mercersburg’s various giving societies and the opportunities they provide for philanthropic leadership, sustained support, and establishing a legacy.

A statue of The Scholar in front of Traylor Hall at Mercersburg Academy.
William Mann Irving Society logo


$10,000: Member
$25,000: Head of School’s Circle
$50,000: Regents’ Circle
$100,000: Founder’s Circle

The William Mann Irvine Society is named in honor of Mercersburg Academy’s founder, Dr. William Mann Irvine, who launched a school devoted to the full person—mind, body, and spirit. Irvine Society members provide generous philanthropic support that empowers the school to boldly reimagine excellence in education, creating an academic and residential experience that inspires students to lead and serve in their communities around the world. 

Members ensure that Mercersburg remains true to its enduring values while embracing and navigating a complex, changing world. Your Irvine Society gift affirms your belief in the transformative power of the Mercersburg experience for today’s students. Members of the William Mann Irvine Society receive special communications and event invitations in recognition of their important commitment as well as connectivity with the Board of Regents and school leadership. 

Join the William Mann Irving Society

The 1893 Club is named in honor of Mercersburg Academy’s founding year and celebrates a rich history of excellence in education. 1893 Club members join a legacy of philanthropic leadership that has sustained the school for more than 125 years. This special group of donors provides foundational support that enables Mercersburg to prepare the next generation of leaders. 

Your 1893 Club gift affirms your belief in the life-changing power of the Mercersburg Academy experience and invests in the promising future that our students represent. Members of the 1893 Club receive special communications and event invitations in recognition of their important commitment. 

Join the 1893 Club

1893 Club


$1,000: Integritas (up to 10 years after graduation) 
$1,893: Virilitas 
$5,000: Fidelitas

McDowell Society

The McDowell Society honors those whose cumulative gifts to the school equal or exceed $1 million. McDowell Society members have positioned Mercersburg as a leader among independent boarding schools.

Via Lucis Society

The Via Lucis Society recognizes individuals whose philanthropic leadership has made it possible for new generations of students to receive a Mercersburg education. To be eligible for this society, a donor’s cumulative gifts must equal or exceed $100,000. 

Marshall and Irving Alliance

Founded in 1993, the school’s centennial year, the Marshall and Irving Alliance honors those who have made a provision for Mercersburg through their estate or a life income arrangement. Gifts through one’s estate are a meaningful endorsement of Mercersburg’s values and spirit.


Torchbearers are Mercersburg’s most loyal group of donors; they have supported the Mercersburg Annual Fund for three or more consecutive years.