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  • Costa Rica
Reflections from some students

We didn't have much time to work today after ziplining. We moved some wood deep into the forest for tomorrow's project. 


We also asked our students to write some reflections today. Below you'll find a sample of some of them, or excerpts from them. 


Shanuka Navaratne '25

As I sit here writing this reflection, I am sitting below a colossal ficus tree in the middle of a cloud forest. One of my favorite parts of working at the cloud forest school has been observing all of the intricate vegetation and abundance of exotic creatures. The lush epiphytes coating all the large trees, and glimpses of small birds reminds me of my visits to Sri Lanka. Working at the cloud forest school has been both fun and challenging. It has been repetitive, and feels like a cheat when comparing our work to what the staff must do everyday. The education and experiences the children around me are getting seem phenomenal, and while I don’t know if my personal contributions are truly helping the school, just being immersed in a contrasting cultural environment has benefited me. I have especially enjoyed the home stays, and being able to compare moments to my grandmothers house in Sri Lanka. Seeing how humble and kind the people are makes me sad. I wonder if they are truly happy or if they just work to make ends meet. While the cloud forest school is doing amazing work by providing scholarships to less fortunate children, I do wish that the kids at my home stay would have the opportunity to attend the school. I am thankful that this institution is so well funded and globally recognized, and I hope that lesser known rural schools such as the one my home stay family attends will one day receive the aid that they need. I don’t know how to feel about the western complex of feeling fulfillment by only being here voluntarily, but if it truly satisfies the community, then our mission has been successful. I feel like I have received much more than I have given—moments like these with nature, smiles of kids and adults alike and a new culture, yet similar to what I know. Seeing myself and everyone else in our group complain made me feel privileged over the people who work 10 times that and don’t complain because they are used to it. Experiences shape who we are. I am a tourist, not a local, and I hope that other members of our group realize that.


Argyle Downes '24

I think that it’s been pretty interesting getting the chance to work at the school. I think a lot of times we take a lot of our normal everyday occurrences for granted and getting to be in a school where a lot of the kids might not have the same experiences or resources for us and find a way to give back to them was pretty nice. Getting here I really didn’t know what to expect but after learning about the numerous ways we have impacted the school made me feel proud to be a part of the legacy of the trip.


Felix Kreis '24

The trip has shown me how fortunate I am to have received the education I have. While it has been difficult to adjust to an entirely new culture, the people here are more welcoming than I’m used to. The kids are taught kindness and they seem very happy here, while many kids in America that receive prestigious educations do not realize the privilege they have. It has been an eye-opening experience.


Linden Wallace '25

I feel very fulfilled doing this service work because I know it makes the children have a better experience at this school and seeing the work I do contribute to a better environment brings me a lot of joy.


Catherine Kidd '24

This experience has opened my eyes to a different way of living. The first thing that comes to mind is the environmental caution everyone uses. Less is more. Seeing a community where they put effort into conserving nature and passing that knowledge down to the kids is a beautiful thing. It’s also taught me to be more considerate of what I use and how I’m impacting the earth. I have also grown so much as a person from living by myself in a host family that has half the family members unable to speak English. This is the most challenging part by far. But this has pushed me out of my comfort zone and gives me appreciation for connecting with different cultures and people through words but most importantly actions. I feel like I’ve become more comfortable with traveling to new places and I have more confidence in myself to learn new things in new environments. I’ve also learned to be more conscious of my actions. Taking a second the slow down, be more quiet, and embrace my surroundings. Taking the time to learn new habits and being open to new experiences and ways of living.