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  • Costa Rica
Raft Safari, Snack, and Chocolate Presentation

We spent the morning traveling outside La Fortuna to enjoy a calm and nature-filled raft safari. We saw monkeys, iguanas, crocodiles, owls, other birds, snakes, bats, sloths, turtles, and even the Jesus Christ lizard (named as such since it can "walk on water"). It was a great morning. Let the photos below provide some examples. Look closely to try to find the animals. There are many more photos in the Drive folder





Blue Heron:








Jesus Christ Lizard:






We then got to have a snack of coffee and tortilla, plantain, and cheese.


And then we were treated to a presentation of cacao/chocolate, where we got to taste the raw bean, theh roasted nibs, and then some chocolate mixed with sugar and milk. It was amazing. 


Now we are lounging by the pool, and we'll soon enjoy a snack of fresh fruit. Then we'll head to dinner. Half of the group will shop downtown while the other half heads to the hot spring resort. We'll switch it up tomorrow night.